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FaxPress + eCopy ShareScan OP Integration

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The FaxPress eCopy Connector offers an ideal scan-to-fax integration solution for copiers, scanners and multifunction peripherals (MFPs). The Connector uses eCopy’s ShareScan Open Platform software to transform copier and MFP devices into reliable, high-powered fax machines.

With the FaxPress eCopy Connector, walk-up copier and MFP users can access Castelle’s user-friendly, touch-screen fax interface right from the copier/scanner/MFP control panel. Paper documents scanned into the copier, scanner and MFP devices are converted immediately to electronic files and sent to the FaxPress for fax transmission.

The benefits of the eCopy ShareScan OP and FaxPress integration include:

Use of copier, scanner and MFP devices for faxing
Seamless integration of faxing with existing network and email systems
An intuitive, user-friendly fax interface
Integrated touch-screen faxing
Quick deployment and ease of administration

This chapter describes integration using the FaxPress eCopy Connector and eCopy ShareScan OP v2.0 and v3.0. For information on integrating eCopy ScanStation (a component of the eCopy Suite) with a FaxPress email gateway, refer to the FaxPress Email Gateways Guide.

Supported Copier and MFP Devices

FaxPress integration with eCopy ShareScan OP v3.0 supports faxing from a range of copiers and MFPs. FaxPress integration with eCopy ShareScan OP v2.0 supports faxing from MEAP-enabled Cannon imageRunner devices only. A complete, up-to-date list of eCopy ShareScan OP supported devices is available on the web at:


Phone Book Integration

The FaxPress Connector’s Phone Book button provides access to FaxPress Phone Books, which are easily integrated with external ODBC databases. Supported databases include:

Excel, FoxPro, dBase
Microsoft Access
Microsoft SQL server

Once the ODBC Phone Book and views are configured on the FaxPress they become visible to the Connector and show up in the Admin Console’s Configuration tab (see below). The Configuration tab allows you to specify which ODBC phonebook and view will be accessible to users via the Connector user interface. See Creating Corporate Phone Books for more information on integrating the FaxPress Phone Book with external databases.

Implementing the FaxPress Connector

FaxPress eCopy Connector implementation involves five components:

eCopy ShareScan OP Services Manager – A Windows service that communicates with the FaxPress or FaxPress fax server through the FaxPress connector. Resides on a networked PC; manages all connected MEAP-enabled devices and performs imaging/document services.
FaxPress Administrator Client Software – Used to configure and manage FaxPress servers. Must reside on the same networked PC as the eCopy ShareScan OP Services Manager.
FaxPress eCopy Connector – Acts as a message transport agent between the FaxPress and the copier/scanner/MFP device. Consists of an MMC snap-in and a DLL that implements the Connector functionality. Resides on the same networked PC as the eCopy ShareScan OP Services Manager.
Fax Server Configuration MMC Snap-In – The Castelle Fax Server Configuration MMC Snap-In, added to the eCopy Admin Console, is used to configure the Properties of the FaxPress eCopy Connector. Resides on the same networked PC as the eCopy ShareScan OP Services Manager and FaxPress eCopy Connector.
Control Panel Fax Forms – Fax interfaces for users are available on either the copier/scanner/MFP, the eCopy server control panel, or both.

Installation and Configuration Procedures

Required installation and configuration procedures for the FaxPress eCopy Connector include:

1. Installing the ShareScan OP Software. (See your ShareScan OP documentation.)
2. Installing the FaxPress Administrator client. (See Installing FaxPress Clients for details.)
3. Installing the FaxPress eCopy Connector from the FaxPress Setup CD-ROM. (See FaxPress + eCopy ShareScan OP Integration.)
4. Configuring the eCopy Connector using the eCopy ShareScan OP Administration console. (See FaxPress + eCopy ShareScan OP Integration.)

Optional procedures include:

assigning a dedicated FaxPress account for the Connector to use. This is only required to enable the shared account mode. (See Creating User Accounts for information on creating accounts.) Configuring the Connector for individual account mode does not require a dedicated account.
configuring the phone book for integration with existing databases. (See Phone Book Integration for more information.)

Installing the FaxPress eCopy Connector

Important! Before installing the FaxPress eCopy Connector, make sure the FaxPress server is correctly installed and fully operational.

The FaxPress Connector must be installed onto a machine already running:

the ShareScan OP Service Manager.
the FaxPress Administrator Client.

To install the FaxPress eCopy Connector from the Castelle FaxPress CD-ROM, follow these steps:

1. Log on to the workstation as supervisor or as a user with supervisor privileges.
2. Place the Castelle FaxPress CD-ROM in a CD-ROM capable drive.
3. The Castelle FaxPress Setup will launch automatically.
4. Click Install FaxPress.

If Autorun is disabled on your machine, and setup does not launch automatically, browse the CD-ROM and run Autorun.exe.

5. The FaxPress 9.1 release also offers the FaxPress 9.1.5 server and client software as an added option. Select the FaxPress software version compatible with your current server software.

FaxPress 9.1 server/client architecture is optimized specifically for PCL-based cover pages. FaxPress 9.1 uses PCL as the default cover page format, although Word is also an option. FaxPress 9.1 server software does NOT support FaxPress 9.0.5, FaxPress 8.1.5 and FaxPress 8.0 Rev C client software, but is backwards compatible with all other earlier versions of FaxPress client software.

FaxPress 9.1.5 server/client architecture is optimized specifically for Word cover pages. If you intend to use Word for fax broadcasting, install the 9.1.5 server and client software. FaxPress 9.1.5 uses Word as the default cover page format, although using PCL-based cover pages is also supported. Please note that the FaxPress 9.1.5 server software ONLY supports FaxPress 9.1.5, FaxPress 8.1.5 and FaxPress 8.0 Rev C client software. If FaxPress 9.1.5 server software is used, all clients must be running FaxPress 9.1.5, FaxPress 8.1.5 or FaxPress 8.0 Rev C client software. FaxPress 9.1.5 server software is not backwards compatible with any other earlier versions of FaxPress client software.

6. In the Welcome to FaxPress Installation screen, click the Next> button.
7. Click Administrator Installation to access the Add On Products folder and install the Connector.

If the FaxPress client has previously been installed on the workstation, an additional screenshot will prompt you to either Install FaxPress Server, or its Add on Products. . . or Uninstall the Existing FaxPress Client. In this case, choose the first option, Install the FaxPress Server. . .

8. In the next Select Components screen, select Add On Products.
9. In the FaxPress Add On Products window, click Next>.
10. From the list of FaxPress Add On products, select MFP & Scanners.
11. Click OK.
12. Select FaxPress eCopy Connector.
13. Click Next>.
14. Confirm the default destination by clicking Next>, or select Browse to choose a new location.
15. Click Finish.

Configuring the FaxPress eCopy Connector

Once the FaxPress Connector is installed, you’ll configure it using the eCopy ShareScan OP Administration Utility. The Connector can be configured to run in either shared account mode or individual account mode.

Shared Account Mode

In shared account mode, all users share one account and are not prompted to log in. Corporate cover pages are accessible, but personal cover pages aren’t. of the shared account accessible only by the supervisor. Using the shared account mode requires a dedicated FaxPress account for the Connector. Either create a new FaxPress account or dedicate an existing one. All sent faxes appear in the dedicated account’s outgoing queue, and are only accessible by the supervisor. (See Creating User Accounts for more information.)

Individual Account Mode

In the individual account mode, the copier, scanner or MFP prompts users to log into their own individual FaxPress accounts for faxing. In the individual account mode, outgoing faxes sent via the Connector appear in users’ individual outgoing queues.

To configure the FaxPress eCopy Connector, follow these steps:

1. Launch the eCopy ShareScan OP Administration console. The FaxPress Connector appears in the list of available connectors. Open the FaxPress Connector.

If more than one FaxPress or FaxPress server is active on the network, the ShareScan OP Administration utility will allow you to select the FaxPress server to use.

2. In the Display tab of the eCopy ShareScan OP Administration interface, the Image and Label fields display the default fax icon and associated text representing the FaxPress faxing option in the copier, scanner or MFP’s LCD control panel. Use the Defaults button to modify the default settings.
3. Select the Configure tab. The Configure tab provides a number of configuration options. The Connector can save one configuration or multiple configuration profiles. If there are multiple FaxPress servers on the network, use the Server List to select a FaxPress server.

The Connector can be configured to run in either the shared account or individual account mode.

Shared account – In this mode, all users share one account. Users are not prompted to log in and do not have access to personal cover pages. All sent faxes appear in the dedicated Connector account’s outgoing queue, and are only accessible by the supervisor. To use this mode, leave the Enable User Authentication option unchecked. Create an account on the FaxPress for the Connector. Enter the user name and password of this account in the User Name and Password fields, and click the Login button to verify that the Connector is able to successfully log in to the FaxPress . Be sure to click the Save button to save the configuration profile.

Use the Default Cover Page field to specify a corporate cover page for the shared account. Use the Phone Book View field to specify a phone book (see Phone Book Integration for more info.) Click the Login button once before specifying the cover page and phone book. This will populate the Default Cover Page field with a list of available cover pages, and make the specified phone book accessible.

Individual account – In this mode, users access their own personal accounts for faxing and are prompted to log in to scan and fax from the copier or MFP. To use this mode, select the Enable User Authentication option. In the individual account mode, outgoing faxes sent via the Connector appear in users’ individual outgoing queues.

4. The Tracing tab allows you to specify a log file location and also allows you to select the frequency and the way the log files are created. All fax transactions are logged in a log file.

The Tracing tab offers a choice between the following options:

Daily – A new log file is created each day.
Unlimited File size – The connector will always use the same log file, no matter what the size is.
When the size reaches a certain size – A new log file is created only when the previous file reaches a given limit.

Sending Faxes From Copiers, Scanners and MFPs

The FaxPress Connector user interface provides convenient and user friendly touch-screen faxing. To send faxes from a copier, scanner or MFP using the FaxPress Connector, follow these steps:

1. Place the document into the feeder or onto the scan bed.
2. In the ShareScan OP interface, select the Scan to FaxPress button.

The Settings and About buttons do not apply to the Connector.

3. The conditional Authentication window appears only if the Connector is configured for individual account mode rather than shared account mode. (See FaxPress + eCopy ShareScan OP Integration for more information on shared account mode and individual account mode.) If the Authentication interface appears, enter your FaxPress account user name and password in the User Name and Password fields.
4. The scan status interface provides a visual account of your scanned fax document. Use the Next button to enter fax sender and recipient information and begin transmission. Use the Scan More button to include additional pages or documents. Use the Stop button to return to the initial ShareScan OP interface shown in step 1. The Connector does not use the Settings and Advanced buttons.
5. The Send interface allows you to enter the information required for fax transmission. Only the recipient fax number is mandatory; the other fields provide optional information that will appear on the fax cover page.

If the Connector is configured for individual account mode, and you logged in using the Authentication interface, the From field will display your FaxPress user name. If the Connector is configured for shared account mode, and you were automatically logged in to the system, the From field will by default display the FaxPress account name associated with the Connector. In either case, the default From field information can be modified.

To add recipient name, company name and fax number information, use the "+" button. Use the "-" button to remove recipient information, and use the Edit button to modify entries. Use the Phone Book button to add recipients from existing databases. The Subject field allows you to enter information that will appear in the Subject field of the fax cover page.

Use the Billback Code field to associate a bill back code with the fax. If the Connector is running in individual account mode, the Cover Page field will allow you to select either corporate or personal cover pages. If the Connector is running in shared account mode, only corporate cover pages are available.

6. The Recipient Information interface allows you enter a recipient Name, Company and Fax Number. This information will appear on the fax cover page. Only the fax number is required. Click OK to return to the Send interface.
7. Using the Phone Book button provides access to fax recipients from a variety of database sources. Use the Select View pulldown menu to choose a phone book, then use the To drop-down list to select recipients. The Connector’s look-ahead search feature allows you to enter only the first few letters of a recipient name and then directs you the recipient from the drop-down list. simplifies data entry, especially on copiers and MFP devices with soft keyboards. With the look-ahead search feature, you may
8. In the Document Sent Successfully window, selecting the Done button allows you to exit the Connector interface and return to the initial ShareScan OP window shown in step 1. Selecting the New Document button allows you to send additional documents using the same sender and recipient settings from the previous job. Selecting the New Destination button allows you to send the same document to additional recipients.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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